Welcome to the AWS Community Day Türkiye 2024!

AWS Community Day events are community-led conferences where event logistics and content is planned, sourced, and delivered by community leaders. AWS Community Day Türkiye is organized by the non profit organization Cloud Türkiye community.


Detailed sessions, lightning talks, and panels by industry leaders. Learn from the best minds and leaders of cloud industry.


We are giving away many gifts like iPad and AWS credits for attendees joining our onsite raffle!


Slack helps us continue discussions after talks. Keep in contact with your fellow AWS friends in our active community channel.

Listen to the Event Speakers

Massimo Re Ferre profile picture

Massimo Re Ferre

Director, Product Management at AWS

Anahit Pogosova profile picture

Anahit Pogosova

Lead Cloud Software Engineer at Solita

Barış Balta profile picture

Barış Balta

Co-founder & Partner at Sufle

Bilge Yücel profile picture

Bilge Yücel

Developer Relations Engineer at deepset

Cağrı Bayram profile picture

Cağrı Bayram

Cloud/DevOps Engineer at

Cihan Sunar profile picture

Cihan Sunar

Digital Technology Developer Senior Manager at Accenture

Emin Alemdar profile picture

Emin Alemdar

Solutions Architect at Spacelift

Engin Diri profile picture

Engin Diri

Customer Experience Architect at Pulumi

Erhan Şıracı profile picture

Erhan Şıracı

Enterprise Architect at Adesso

Farrah Campbell profile picture

Farrah Campbell

Head of Modern Compute Community at AWS

Igor Batkanov profile picture

Igor Batkanov

Senior System Engineer at EPAM

Kıvanç Uslu profile picture

Kıvanç Uslu

Solutions Architect Manager at AWS

Liz Rice profile picture

Liz Rice

Chief Open Source Officer at Isovalent

Matt Lewis profile picture

Matt Lewis

Chief AWS Architect at IBM Consulting

Mustafa Akın profile picture

Mustafa Akın

Sr. Engineering Manager at Jumpcloud

Orhan Burak Bozan profile picture

Orhan Burak Bozan

Managing Partner, Software Engineering Consultant at Kloia

Muhammed Salih Güler profile picture

Muhammed Salih Güler

Senior Developer Advocate at AWS

Sam Williams profile picture

Sam Williams

Founder at Complete Coding

Selcuk Sasoglu profile picture

Selcuk Sasoglu

Principal Software Engineer at PostNL

Sena Yakut profile picture

Sena Yakut

Senior Cloud Security Engineer at Lyrebird Studio

Tolgahan Demirbaş profile picture

Tolgahan Demirbaş

Engineering Manager at Bestcloudforme

Vehbi Emiroğlu profile picture

Vehbi Emiroğlu

CTO at SambaPOS

Yan Cui profile picture

Yan Cui

Independent Consultant at

Schedule Details Event Schedules

8:00 - 9:00Registration & Breakfast

Registration & Breakfast

9:00 - 9:30Opening Welcome

Opening Notes: Organizers

9:30 - 10:30Keynote

Massimo Re Ferre

Generative AI: tech du-jour or the next big thing?

10:30 - 11:00Break

Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:30Conference

Yan Cui

Money-saving tips for the frugal serverless developers

11:30 - 12:00Conference

Liz Rice

Cloud Native Superpowers with eBPF

12:00 - 12:30Conference

Farrah Campbell

Community Over Competition: The Power of Relationships, Communities, and Fun

12:30 - 13:30Break

Lunch Break

13:30 - 14:00Conference

Matt Lewis

Improve developer productivity using AWS GenAI capabilities

14:00 - 14:30Conference

Engin Diri

The Million-Dollar Mistake: A Tale of DevOps and Skyrocketing AWS Bills

14:30 - 15:00Lightning Talks

Cihan Sunar

Navigating Rare Downtime: Lessons from an AWS IoT Incident


Sports Applications powered by AWS AI Services

Igor Batkanov

AI Orchestration Platform on AWS

15:00 - 15:30Break

Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:00Conference

Sam Williams

How I built a serverless first SaaS startup in 30 days

16:00 - 16:30Conference

Selçuk Saşoğlu

PostNL: IoT at Scale with Serverless Evolutionary Architectures

16:30 - 17:00Conference

Anahit Pogosova

The art of embracing failures

17:00 - 17:15Closing

Closing + Raffle


Main Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors


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Organizer Team

Serhat Can
Serhat Can
İren Saltalı
İren Saltalı
Emrah Şamdan
Emrah Şamdan
Azmi Mengü
Azmi Mengü
Serkan Bingöl
Serkan Bingöl
Arda Batuhan Demir
Arda Batuhan Demir